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The Thermal Balance of Braking

In most braking systems the brake pads and the rotors are derived without regard for each other. The result of this is the brake pad may absorb an inordinate
amount of the heat generated during braking. Accordingly, this helps keep the
rotor run cooler but can boil the brake fluid resulting in loss of pedal, harden /
crack the caliper dust boots which allow foreign matter in to score the caliper
bores, or even cause deterioration of the high pressure caliper seal which results
in a leak / brake failure. The other extreme involves a brake pad that acts as an
insulator and absorbs very little of the heat generated while braking. This
condition leaves the rotor to absorb the bulk of the heat which can cause heat
checking, rotor cracking, rotor warpage / brake pulsation and even loss of wheel
bearing grease / bearing failure. The ProTec system of rotor metallurgy and brake
pad thermal characteristics matches the heat dissipation between the two
elements of the braking system. This maximizes the performance of both and
protects the system and vehicle occupants from harm.

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